Non-addressable LED Strips


Non-addressable RGB LED Strips are a light­weight, no has­sle solu­tion for illu­mi­na­tion sys­tems. Due to the fact that they allow to con­trol col­ors sep­a­rate­ly (as opposed to con­trol­ling each sep­a­rate LED in Intel­li­gent LED Strips) they require low pow­er sup­ply and paired with our LED con­trol­ling boards offer sim­ple yet impres­sive ani­ma­tion effects:

  • ON: the LEDs are con­stant­ly on
  • OFF: the LEDs are off
  • BLINK: the LEDs light up and go down at pre-configured pace
  • FLARE: the LEDs glow up with grow­ing inten­si­ty, once they reach the max inten­si­ty, they go off and the ani­ma­tion starts once again.

Our LED con­trol­ling boards allow to con­fig­ure the col­ors and time inter­vals for each ani­ma­tion effect pro­vid­ing end­less illu­mi­na­tion options for your products!


More con­tent com­ing soon 


More con­tent com­ing soon