INEX’s Graceful Shutdown Board offers functionality necessary in all kiosks powered through Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS).The procedure of turning off the UPS by means of virtually pulling the plug from the PC is very harmful to the hardware components (hard drives) as well as running software modules and operating system. Nevertheless, in many kiosk designs it is not feasible to shut down Windows O/S on all computers inside the kiosk before turning off the UPS.
I‑EGSB allows to trigger the shutdown procedure on all connected computers manually (by pressing a button on the board) or by issuing a software command on one of the PCs and indicates when it is safe to turn off the UPS.
I‑EGSB is also prepared for the event of power fail. When the independent monitoring circuit on the board detects power fail, it starts the countdown procedure to issuing the shutdown command in accordance with the time delay prior set by the user.