
INEX’s LED Con­troller (16 chan­nels) is a solu­tion for con­trol­ling the LED strips  in illu­mi­na­tion sys­tems used in kiosks, gam­ing machines, vend­ing machines, etc.The pos­si­bil­i­ty to use the chan­nels not only for con­trol­ling non-addressable LED strips but also intel­li­gent LED strips extends the avail­able ani­ma­tion and col­or options.

I‑ELC16 has a flex­i­ble design: while order­ing you may state how many non-addressable LED/ intel­li­gent LED chan­nels you wish to mount on the board. It is also pos­si­ble to order a daugh­ter board which togeth­er with I‑ELC16 pro­vides you with the total of 32 channels.

I‑ELC16 may work either autonomous­ly in accor­dance with a pre-programmed sce­nario or while being dynam­i­cal­ly con­trolled from a host via USB

We pro­vide our clients with a dri­ver and a test appli­ca­tion which helps to explore all the ani­ma­tion  options offered by LED strips of choice.


Data sheet

down­load the data sheet



  • I-ELC16_1