
INEX’s Motion and Accel­er­a­tion Sen­sor is a ver­sa­tile device work­ing autonomous­ly as an ele­ment sup­port­ing alarm sys­tems.  It detects any instance of the pro­tect­ed item (kiosk/safe/gaming machine etc.) being moved, tilt­ed or hit thanks to the built-in gyro­scope and accelerom­e­ter, as well as the events of open­ing or break­ing e.g. the doors.The GSM mod­ule reacts instant­ly to any sus­pi­cious event by send­ing text mes­sage alerts to pre­de­fined autho­rized recipients.

I‑EMAS can be con­nect­ed to an out­let or com­put­er via USB. In the event of a pow­er inter­rup­tion, the unit is pow­ered by the built-in back-up bat­tery. Mount­ed LED diodes inform about the func­tion­ing of the device and its posi­tion in rela­tion to the ground.

The device may be pro­grammed and cal­i­brat­ed via con­nect­ed PC, text mes­sages sent to the unit, or direct­ly on the unit with the use of a button.




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Product presentation

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