Machine Park

Video assembly machine MX70

The MX70 assem­bly machine is a uni­ver­sal device for apply­ing paste or glue and SMD com­po­nents to print­ed cir­cuit boards and ceram­ic sub­strates of hybrid sys­tems. The device is dis­tin­guished by a mod­ern mechan­i­cal design, a vision sys­tem for cen­ter­ing ele­ments and rec­og­niz­ing the posi­tion of the plate, as well as a user-friendly con­trol sys­tem based on the Win­dows 10 plat­form. Sim­ple pro­gram­ming and easy changeover allow you to mas­ter the oper­a­tion of the device with­in a few hours. A unique fea­ture of the MX70 machine is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of pick­ing up loose com­po­nents from a tray (con­tain­er) type ware­house. The intel­li­gent sys­tem of visu­al recog­ni­tion of ele­ments allows you to locate the com­po­nents you are look­ing for in the con­tain­er and pick them up, deter­mine the posi­tion of the ele­ment on the suc­tion cup and pre­cise­ly posi­tion it on the PCB in a pre-programmed posi­tion. The num­ber of bins with loose com­po­nents is almost unlim­it­ed. The MX70 assem­bly machine can be equipped with a glue or sol­der paste dis­pens­ing head. 

MSR 400 soldering robot

The MSR400 sol­der­ing robot is a uni­ver­sal device for sol­der­ing THT com­po­nents on print­ed cir­cuit boards and sub­strates of hybrid sys­tems. The device is dis­tin­guished by a mod­ern mechan­i­cal struc­ture, a built-in con­trol sys­tem for the sol­der­ing head unit, a vision sys­tem enabling pre­cise deter­mi­na­tion of the posi­tion of the board in the work­ing area of the device and a friend­ly oper­a­tor sys­tem based on the LINUX plat­form. Sim­ple pro­gram­ming and easy con­ver­sion make it pos­si­ble to mas­ter the oper­a­tion of the device with­in a few hours.