Intelligent LED Strips


Intel­li­gent RGB LED Strips offer advanced effects for demand­ing illu­mi­na­tion solu­tions. The fact that Intel­li­gent LED Strips allow for con­trol­ling each LED sep­a­rate­ly enables cre­at­ing pre­cise and com­plex ani­ma­tions while paired with our LED con­trol­ling boards. Intel­li­gent LED Strips may, how­ev­er, require addi­tion­al pow­er sup­ply espe­cial­ly if they have a high LED den­si­ty (INEX rec­om­mends addi­tion­al pow­er sup­ply for strips involv­ing more than 60 LEDs).

Pos­si­ble ani­ma­tion effects include all effects offered by Non-addressable LED Strips as well as:

  • CHASE: Up to 8 dots move from one end towards the oth­er, the direc­tion is configurable.
  • GROW: A line of dots is grow­ing from one end towards the oth­er, the ani­ma­tion starts again when the LEDs reach the oppo­site end of the strip.
  • INWARDS: A line of dots is grow­ing from the out­ward ends towards the mid­dle. When the whole strip is filled with dots, the ani­ma­tion starts again.
  • OUTWARDS: A line of dots is grow­ing from the mid­dle of the strip towards the out­ward ends. When the whole strip is filled with dots, the ani­ma­tion starts again.
  • BREATH: The behav­ior of the LEDs resem­bles breath­ing: the LEDs glow up with grow­ing inten­si­ty while breath­ing in and fade away while breath­ing out. It is pos­si­ble to con­fig­ure the inter­vals so that the ani­ma­tion imi­tates pant­i­ng or long, deep breaths.
  • WALL: The LEDs depict small bricks laid sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly to build a tall wall. Once the whole strip is cov­ered with wall, the ani­ma­tion starts again.
  • HEARTBEAT: The LEDs glow up with grow­ing inten­si­ty and fade away in the rhythm which resem­bles heart­beat. By con­fig­ur­ing the inter­vals the LEDs may depict rapid or slow and steady pulse.
  • RAINBOW: The LEDs glow in all sev­en col­ors of the rain­bow includ­ing sub­tle hues of each of them. The rain­bow may be sta­t­ic or mov­ing in any direction.

Intel­li­gent chan­nels may form com­pos­ite chan­nels which allow for par­al­lel or cir­cu­lar syn­chro­nized animations.

Our LED con­trol­ling boards allow to con­fig­ure the col­ors and time inter­vals for each ani­ma­tion effect pro­vid­ing end­less illu­mi­na­tion options for your products!


More con­tent com­ing soon


More con­tent com­ing soon