Intelligent RGB LED Strips offer advanced effects for demanding illumination solutions. The fact that Intelligent LED Strips allow for controlling each LED separately enables creating precise and complex animations while paired with our LED controlling boards. Intelligent LED Strips may, however, require additional power supply especially if they have a high LED density (INEX recommends additional power supply for strips involving more than 60 LEDs).
Possible animation effects include all effects offered by Non-addressable LED Strips as well as:
- CHASE: Up to 8 dots move from one end towards the other, the direction is configurable.
- GROW: A line of dots is growing from one end towards the other, the animation starts again when the LEDs reach the opposite end of the strip.
- INWARDS: A line of dots is growing from the outward ends towards the middle. When the whole strip is filled with dots, the animation starts again.
- OUTWARDS: A line of dots is growing from the middle of the strip towards the outward ends. When the whole strip is filled with dots, the animation starts again.
- BREATH: The behavior of the LEDs resembles breathing: the LEDs glow up with growing intensity while breathing in and fade away while breathing out. It is possible to configure the intervals so that the animation imitates panting or long, deep breaths.
- WALL: The LEDs depict small bricks laid systematically to build a tall wall. Once the whole strip is covered with wall, the animation starts again.
- HEARTBEAT: The LEDs glow up with growing intensity and fade away in the rhythm which resembles heartbeat. By configuring the intervals the LEDs may depict rapid or slow and steady pulse.
- RAINBOW: The LEDs glow in all seven colors of the rainbow including subtle hues of each of them. The rainbow may be static or moving in any direction.
Intelligent channels may form composite channels which allow for parallel or circular synchronized animations.
Our LED controlling boards allow to configure the colors and time intervals for each animation effect providing endless illumination options for your products!
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